Thursday, April 20, 2006


has been a busy couple of weeks for me between school and work but I so much enjoy what little free time I have, with my husband and children. With clearer roads, smaller snow hills, warmer temperatures (a high of 40 degrees Farenheit during the day), and Easter just passing by, it is finally spring-time in Valdez. Which also means that my semester (one course) at Prince William Sound Community College is almost complete and I will get to spend my evenings with my family once again (well at least until this fall, when I begin another course).

Over Easter weekend though, I traveled to Anchorage with my parents, my sister, and my children. The challenge and adventure began by agreeing to bring Elora. Draven enjoyed the 5 1/2 hours of driving by playing with his dinosaurs, picture reading his books, playing his Leapster game system, eating, or sleeping while only asking three times, "Are we in Anchorage yet?" Elora put up with the 5 1/2 hours of driving by whining until grandma sat in the back seat with her, demanding to have books read to her, fighting with her car seat as she tried her hardest to get unbuckled, eating, or sleeping. The normal drama that comes with just being a toddler girl. While in Anchorage, the tears came rolling and she began squirming due to being in such an unfamiliar place with her normal daily routine shifted. Although she was overwhelmed with the city life and felt the need to be carried everywhere, it did allow me some peace knowing she was safe in my arms. Overall though, if it were up to Draven, the entire Anchorage trip would have been spent at Chuckie Cheese's. If it were up to Elora, we would have never left the hotel room (minimal people, free to jump on the bed, and mommy's devoted attention). But then came the SEARS photo session in which we tried last year with no avail (screaming and scared Elora would not loosen the grip around my neck for anything or anyone). However, although she did have an episode similar to last year where I thought my hair was going to turn gray, it was short lived and she gave us a 10 minute time frame where pictures were taken and you would never guess that she was an emotional wreck moments before the shot. Lastly, the return trip home. Although it may have been looked at a claustrophobic situation, I thoroughly enjoyed sitting in the last seat of my parents Expedition squished between two kids, shopping bags, and minimal leg room. I was able to give my children my undivided attention, nap with them, play with them, and just be free of any responsibility other than being Draven and Elora's mommy. We returned home safe and sound; however, my responsibilities were right where I left them so Easter became a very busy day for all of us (explain to Draven the true meaning of Easter, egg hunts, preparing meals, clean the house, take a much needed nap with the family, and catch up on homework). The four-day weekend went by too quickly but in the end, seeing those SEARS pictures made all the hardships of traveling to Anchorage with Elora just seem to disappear. I now can look at it as a time of bonding and adventure with my children. :)

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


How is it that two children from the same parents can get along well (most of the time) but are so different from one another? They are both provided with the same options but their decisions are most often not the same (unless Elora is intentionally copying her brother, which happens regulary). Therefore, I just wanted to provide you with a FEW of Draven and Elora's differences.

blueberries / strawberries
apples / oranges
blue / green or red
meat / vegetables
ice cream / cookies
drawing / reading
flavored rice / white rice
talking / singing
playing in the dirt / taking a bath
water / milk
watching cartoons / playing with dolls
turkey / ham
jelly / peanut butter
bananas / cantaloupe
dependant (if it were up to him) / independant
applesauce / yogurt
malt-o-meal / oatmeal
pancakes / waffles
dried fruit / mixed nuts
chocolate flavor / vanilla flavor
kisses / hugs

In the end, although it would make life more simple if they agreed upon everything, I wouldn't change their uniqueness for anything.