Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Many Faces of Elora

Offering new faces all the time, I can't help but laugh at all of them...even sometimes when she cries. Don't get me wrong, I would much prefer her laughing and giggly looks and attitude most of all; however, as parents, we are thrown curve balls regularly. Whether it is Elora throwing a tantrum, stomping those feet, and showing me her "sharper" looks; or her picking on her brother and offering that "mischievous" look like she knows what she is doing is wrong but she is enjoying it; or when she gets hurt and she gives the look of "pity me"; or my favorite, when she is full of joy and Draven makes her laugh, she gives the look of utter "happiness", a Kodak moment that I wish would never end. I could honestly spend hours writing about the many faces Elora has but even words can't fully describe every detail to her many expressions. So each one, even the ones that cause me frustration and make me want to pull my hair out, are priceless in their own way.


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