Monday, October 01, 2007

Driving 101

Lesson #1) Windshield Wipers are on the left side of the steering wheel, not the right.

Lesson #2) In a 2001 Dodge Ram truck, your foot does not have to be on the break to change gears.

Lesson #3) The "safety" beeping sound that activates when putting the truck in reverse does not seem to apply if one puts it in Reverse and then Drive, quickly enough.

Lesson #4) Even on level ground and no gas applied, a vehicle can surprisingly move forwards and backwards with ease.

Lesson #5) Although a child may prove himself "old enough" to be your automatic start in any such vehicle, do not assume they will never have an "oops" day.

Last Tuesday morning was like any other morning with getting ready for work while getting my babes ready for school (Draven - Kindergarten; Elora - Preschool). In addition, as almost every morning for the past three-plus months, I asked Draven to start the truck while I helped Elora get her coat and shoes on. However, this particular morning went a little different than I foresaw. My mother, being seconds away from pulling into my driveway (which is a rare occasion before work), wonders what I am doing, as she sees the reverse lights on our truck turn on and off repeatedly. It was as if I was debating whether I wanted to pull out of the driveway or drive forward. Well just as she pulls into my driveway and exits her car, Elora and I are walking out the door, beginning our descent down the stairs, when all of a sudden I hear my mother curse ("OMG!") so loudly I think the neighbors heard, as she hurries around the truck. Only a second after her words, I yell "DRAVEN!!!!!" His face peering through the windshield contained complete and utter fear with his words of "Mommy, HELP!" as the truck gradually moved forward four feet before being stopped by our rock wall. As most may already know, our rock wall is small, thus, the vehicle was moving rather slowly and only had to bump it before coming to a complete stop. However, to a five-year-old in the driver's seat of a moving vehicle caused by him, with the door wide open, no seatbelt, grandma rushing around in panic, and Mommy's voice hitting its loudest note - it was quite the traumatic experience. Thus, we BOTH learned something that day. Thank you God for such painless, damage-free, yet valuable lessons.


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