Tuesday, April 04, 2006


How is it that two children from the same parents can get along well (most of the time) but are so different from one another? They are both provided with the same options but their decisions are most often not the same (unless Elora is intentionally copying her brother, which happens regulary). Therefore, I just wanted to provide you with a FEW of Draven and Elora's differences.

blueberries / strawberries
apples / oranges
blue / green or red
meat / vegetables
ice cream / cookies
drawing / reading
flavored rice / white rice
talking / singing
playing in the dirt / taking a bath
water / milk
watching cartoons / playing with dolls
turkey / ham
jelly / peanut butter
bananas / cantaloupe
dependant (if it were up to him) / independant
applesauce / yogurt
malt-o-meal / oatmeal
pancakes / waffles
dried fruit / mixed nuts
chocolate flavor / vanilla flavor
kisses / hugs

In the end, although it would make life more simple if they agreed upon everything, I wouldn't change their uniqueness for anything.


Blogger Belle Etoile said...

Where are your pictures?!

I can't wait to have more kids to see how different they are from each other.

11:04 AM  

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