Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Raising Draven and Elora

I have recently started reading weekly journal entries on the Parent Center website called, "Raising Ben & Birdy." If only I had captured my children's life this way, I would actually have completed a novel or two by now!

Well lately, Draven has become more intrigued to learn how to do something than actually having me do it for him. It amazes me how their mind switches modes over night. For example, he asks, "Mommy, will you show me how to tie my shoes?" or "Will you show me how to zip up my coat?" Also, he has reached a point where he is trying to grasp the difference between me reading a book and him "reading" a book. I actually read the book, whereas, he runs his finger across the words saying them aloud because he has memorized my reading of that book. "I'm reading too Mommy!" he says. In the end, "Yes bud, keep it up" is one of the only answers he is looking for; not me trying to explain that he is memorizing and not actually reading...maybe another day I will try that one.

Elora's most used phrases lately are "Where you going?", "Why Mommy/Daddy/Daben?", or when asked, "What are you doing sweetie?" she responds with, "Me do nutthing Mommy." I just can't believe that only two years ago, she was this 9 lb., highly dependant on her parents, needing us every moment, little sweetpea baby.

Before Elora was born, I was one of those mom's who read the parenting books and magazines expecting them to know everything about my child. I thought, "If the book by so-and-so doctor said this, than why hasn't Draven reached that milestone yet?" I never really put pressure on him to be a textbook baby/toddler; however, I stressed myself out to the point of crying many times just thinking about what this book says, how I am not acting like this magazine says a mom should act at this point, worried I wasn't giving my son enough "educational" toys, or even the very common thing of comparing my child to another (as most parents do). By the time Elora was born, I was so exhausted with such drama and stress I put on myself that I just gave up on the idea of raising my child according to "the book." Therefore, I have truly been enjoying watching my children meet their milestones at their own pace. From crawling, walking, teething, potty training, socializing, talking, and so on, I am finally stepping back and looking at the bigger picture, reminding myself to enjoy the moments instead of stress over them.


Blogger Belle Etoile said...

It's funny how we compare our kids so much to others, letting facts get in the way of life. Our kids are how God made them. Thanks for the reminder. :)
Your children are beautiful, Jacquelyn and they have a wonderful mother.

5:36 AM  

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