Random Moments
#1) At bedtime, Draven picked out a book for Daddy to read to him, "Noah's Ark". Patrick responded to Draven that they had just read that book the night before and asked out of his whole bookshelf full of other books if would he like to pick out a different one. Draven said, "No, I think God will be happy if I read this book."
#2) Draven and I were practicing one of his Bible verses for AWANA one night and I gave him the first word to the verse as I always do with his verses. This time though, the first word was "God..." and from around the corner, in the other room, Elora yells, "God loves me!" I couldn't help but laugh yet feel warm inside as that is the AWANA Cubbies Motto which Draven [and obviously Elora] learned the first week of AWANA back in September. Children really do hear everything that is being said around them and for being so young, their memory capacity astonishes me.
#3) Elora was playing with her babies when she turned to me and said, "Mommy, you know what?" "No sweetie, what?" I responded. "God loves me...you know why?", she confidently states. "You are right, He does love you but why?" I so interestingly reply. "Cuz I'm nice to everybody", she almost snobbishly sounding and self-assuredly explains. She then immdiately turns back to playing with her baby dolls as if the truth was made known and life could go on.
#4) Sitting in church one recent Sunday, Draven and Elora were playing on the floor with Magnetix while Pastor Ray began his sermon. Shortly in to it, Elora asked, "What did God say?" I intriguingly asked her where she heard God's voice and she pointed to Pastor Ray. Draven laughed and said, "That's not God, he's just his helper." I then asked Draven to explain to Elora where God is. "Elora, God is everywhere. He's invisible but he's right there, and right there, and right there, and...." Draven confidently tells her. But just to be her argumentative-self, she replies, "Nuh-uh, he's not right here!" as she points to the floor directly next to her foot. Draven attempts to argue back when Mommy steps in to briefly explain to the curious three-year-old that God could even be sitting on her shoulder or giving her a hug and she wouldn't even know it because we can't see Him. She just needs to believe in Him. I have to admit that I was rather impressed with Draven's confidence about God AND his ability to whisper his argument to his sister! :)